zuletzt gehört: | 27.03.2025 / 19:33 MEZ |
Netzwerk: | APRS |
Gerät: | DireWolf |
Position: | -37°57.35' S / 176°59.81' E |
Locator: | RF82LB |
Pakete : | 1 (48h) / 1 (24h) / 0 (1h) |
Kommentar: | Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch 51 www.nzart.org.nz/info/repeater-maps -APRS Beaconsfor Repeaters as Published NZART www.radioclub.nz/aprs-zl1kw |
- weitere SSID´s
Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch 51 https://www.nzart.ZL1KW-8
Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch 51 https://www.nzart.ZL1KW-5
Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch 51 https://www.nzart.ZL1KW-4
Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch 51 https://www.nzart.ZL1KW-6
Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch 51 https://www.nzart.ZL1KW-3
Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch 51 https://www.nzart.ZL1KW-2
Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch 51 https://www.nzart.
- Objekte von ZL1KW
438.400MHz -500 T123.0 Whakatane 840 70CM UHF RepeTGA-DMR
439.750MHz -500 Tauranga DMR 70cm UHF Repeater DMRZL1KW-R
Echolink Node 284538 ZL1KW-R - Edgecumbe 700 2M VHIRLP-6929
IRLP Node 6929 - Edgecumbe 700 2M VHF RepeaterZL1WK-1
NZART Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch 51 https://www.EDG9975NS
439.975MHz -500 Mt Edgecumbe 9975 70CM UHF NationaROT9925NS
439.925MHz -500 Rotorua 9925 70CM UHF National SysARO-685
MHz -060 T123.0 Arowhana 685 2M VHF Repeater httpsEDG-700
MHz -060 Edgecumbe 700 2M VHF Repeater (IRLP 6929)ROT-735
MHz +060 Rotorua 735 2M VHF Repeater https://www.nROT-435
MHz +060 Rotorua Linear 435 2M VHF Repeater NOTE:TEC-7025
MHz +060 TECT Park 7025 2M VHF Repeater https://wwTEP-7175
MHz +060 Te Puke 7175 2M VHF Repeater Linked to TATAU-680
MHz -060 Tauranga 680 2M VHF Repeater Linked to TETEW-695
MHz -060 Te Weraiti 695 2M VHF Repeater (IRLP 6549WAI-5475
MHz -060 Waihi North 5475 2M VHF Repeater (IRLP 65TAI-6975
MHz -060 Tairua 6975 2M VHF Repeater (IRLP 6223) LMER-7075
MHz +060 Mercury Bay 7075 2M VHF Repeater (IRLP 62GOR9875NS
439.875MHz -500 Gore 9875 70CM UHF National SystemDUN9925NS
439.925MHz -500 Duneden 9925 70CM UHF National SysCHR9875NS
439.875MHz -500 T123.0 Christchurch 9875 70CM UHFGRE9875NS
439.875MHz -500 Greymouth 9875 70CM UHF National SWES9975NS
439.975MHz -500 Westport 9975 70CM UHF National SyNEL9925NS
439.925MHz -500 Nelson 9925 70CM UHF National SystWTX9975NS
439.975MHz -500 Wharite 9975 70CM UHF National SysGIS9875NS
439.875MHz -500 Gisborne 9875 70CM UHF National SyBEL9875NS
439.875MHz -500 Mt Belmont 9875 70CM UHF NationalKAP9925NS
439.925MHz -500 Kapiti 9925 70CM UHF National SystTAU9825NS
439.825MHz -500 Taupo 9825 70CM UHF National SysteHAM9975NS
439.975MHz -500 Hamilton 9975 70CM UHF National SyAUC9875NS
439.875MHz -500 Auckland 9875 70CM UHF National SyWHA9925NS
439.925MHz -500 Whangarei 9925 70CM UHF National SBAY9975NS
439.975MHz -500 Bay of Islands 9975 70CM UHF NatioCAN-725
MHz +060 Canterbury 725 2M VHF Repeater https://wwCHR-5625
MHz -060 Christchurch 5625 2M VHF Repeater IRLP 69ABN-5775
MHz -060 Abners Peak 5775 2M VHF Repeater https://MGR-675
MHz -060 T123.0 Mount Grey 675 2M VHF Repeater VoiNCA-6975
MHz -060 North Canterbury 6975 2M VHF Repeater httGRE-695
MHz -060 Greymouth 695 2M VHF Repeater https://wwwKAI-690
MHz -060 Kaikoura 690 2M VHF Repeater https://www.WES-675
MHz -060 Westport 675 2M VHF Repeater https://www.MUR-680
MHz -060 Mt Murchison 680 2M VHF Repeater https://WAR-560
MHz -060 Ward 560 2M VHF Repeater (IRLP 6285) httpBLE-695
MHz -060 Blenheim 695 2M VHF Repeater (IRLP 6285)PIC-7225
MHz +060 Picton 7225 2M VHF Repeater (IRLP 6285) hNEL-7025
MHz +060 Nelson 7025 2M VHF Repeate https://www.nzNEL-720
MHz +060 Nelson 720 2M VHF Repeater https://www.nzMOT-670
MHz -060 Motueka 670 2M VHF Repeater https://www.nGOL-7375
MHz +060 Golden Bay 7375 2M VHF Repeater (IRLP 628HAM-7125
MHz +060 T082.5 Hamilton 7125 2M VHF Repeater (REGHAM-705
MHz +060 Hamilton 705 2M VHF Repeater Raglan VoiceHAM-535
MHz -060 Hamilton 535 2M VHF Repeater Raglan VoiceTEU-5675
MHz -060 Te Uku 5675 2M VHF Repeater (IRLP 6549) (MAU-5575
MHz -060 Maungakawa 5575 2M VHF Repeater (IRLP 654AUK-6625
MHz -060 Auckland 6625 2M VHF Repeater https://wwwAUK-690
MHz -060 Auckland 690 2M VHF Repeater https://www.MUS-5775
MHz -060 Musick Point 5775 2M VHF Repeater (IRLP 6AUK-670
MHz -060 Auckland 670 2M VHF Repeater (IRLP 6950)KAI-7325
MHz +060 Kaipara 7325 2M VHF Repeater (IRLP 6595 EROD-730
MHz +060 Rodney 730 2M VHF Repeater https://www.nzCAP-545
MHz -060 Cape Rodney 545 2M VHF Repeater (Voice &BRY-560
MHz -060 Brynderwyn 560 2M VHF Repeater https://wwWHA-665
MHz -060 Whangarei 665 2M VHF Repeater https://wwwBAY-675
MHz -060 Bay of Islands 675 2M VHF Repeater (IRLPFAR-710
MHz +060 Far North 710 2M VHF Repeater https://wwwAKA-6775
MHz -060 Akatere 6775 2M VHF Repeater https://www.